Jerome Richard "Rick" Hale's Portfolio

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I started designing websites in the 90's, with my first website created using AOL's free web design service. Not impressed with AOL's design tools, I dove into creating custom code. I soon leased my first public hosting space, and created a variety of websites for myself and some even rose to some popularity. I taught myself PHP in order to ease the maintenance of the sites and to take advantage of the power of MYSQL databases. I was also a fan of internet journals and Myspace and learned to use CSS to bend the website design of others to my will.

As I got older, though, I had less time to work on my websites, especially after being put in charge of the website at my workplace. I decided to focus on other hobbies in my personal time and mostly retired many of my old websites. For work, I designed an extensive content management system and calendar and managed to successfully get HOPE Inc.'s website an impressive Google rank, however the board was looking for flashier, so I eventually surrendered the website to various design firms.

Learning the harsh reality of my income possibilities without a college degree, I decided to attend the University of Arizona and pursue my Bachelor's. While attending UA, I accepted a job as a student web designer. This job really opened my eyes to the power of content management systems and I learned how much easier it was to leave the problems of the back-end, for the most part, to someone else. With the help of Gene, my supervisor, I learned to put together many "quick and dirty" web pages (although I always felt Gene sold his design abilities short). After briefly working for Apple (as an Apple Care advisor), I returned to consulting with HOPE and took over their IT infrastructure after I graduated.

The website was theoretically managed by the marketing department, and theoretically designed by a design firm, but I still found myself responsible for a lot of the nuts and bolts of making things tick. At times I was even responsible for producing the content.

I enjoy designing websites. I've had fun making this little portfolio. I even mostly used very low-end tools, just to prove to myself I still know how to do things.